Diversity Management and Equity as Factors for Student Success
Further Reading
Equality and Diversity in UK Universities: recruitment and retention of 'non-traditional' undergraduate students
Information about UK policy drivers and national “Widening Participation” initiatives:
The Equality Challenge Unit
The Equality Challenge Unit provides HE-specific equalities guidance for UK institutions. They run a number of research projects each year to investigate key equalities issues for students and staff and recommend good practice. They also produce statistical reports and ‘equalities toolkits’ for institutions. These relate to academic and non-academic services.
Learning Reconsidered paper
This paper has inspired the approach to Student Support at the University of Brighton. It recommends embedded support within the curriculum where possible. Keeling, R, (2004) “Learning reconsidered: a campus-wide focus on the student experience”
Evolving diversity
An overview of equitable access to Higher Education in Europe.
Camilleri, A. F., & Mühleck, K. (2011), Brüssel: EquNet Konsortium.
Evolving diversity II.
Participation of students with an immigrant background in European Higher Education.
Camilleri, A. F., & Mühleck, K. (2013), Brüssel: EquNet Konsortium.
Weiterführende Literatur in deutscher Sprache
- Dossier: “Öffnung der Hochschule – Chancengerechtigkeit, Diversität, Integration” (2011). Berlin: Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung
- Artikel: “Change Management und Diversität: Wie kommt ein neues Bewusstsein in die Hochschule?”. Andrea Güttner (CHE), Zeitschrift für Hochschulentwicklung ZFHE Jg.6, Nr.3 – Oktober 2011
- “Vielfalt gestalten”: Kernelemente eines Diversity-Audits für Hochschulen, Daniela De Ridder, Bettina Jorzik (Hrsg.), Stifterverband 2012
- BAMF-Grundsatzpapier: “Hochschulen als Orte der Integration” (2012)
- “Handbuch Studienerfolg” – Strategien und Maßnahmen: Wie Hochschulen Studierende erfolgreich zum Abschluss führen, Stifterverband, 2015