Exploring Difference: Building Resilient Academic Institutions

  • Tuesday 22nd October 2024, 2:00-5:30 p.m. followed by a networking reception until 8 p.m.
  • Change Hub, Hardenbergstr. 32, 10623 Berlin

Upholding Academic Freedom, Maintaining Relevance in Society, and Ensuring Financial Independence

In today’s dynamic and rapidly changing world, the resilience of academic institutions is more crucial than ever. Higher Education and Research Institutions play a vital role not only in the pursuit of knowledge but also in shaping societal discourse, fostering critical thinking, and preparing the leaders of tomorrow. As we navigate through an era marked by unprecedented challenges and opportunities, it becomes imperative for universities to proactively address key pillars of resilience: upholding academic freedom, staying relevant in society, and financial independence/ resilience.

Upholding Academic Freedom:

Academic freedom lies at the heart of scholarly pursuits, enabling the free exchange of ideas, critical inquiry, and intellectual exploration. How can universities safeguard academic freedom in the face of external pressures, ensuring an environment conducive to open dialogue and scholarly integrity?

Staying Relevant as Institutions in Society:

The role of universities extends beyond the confines of academia, influencing societal norms, cultural trends, and public policy. How can academic institutions adapt to the evolving needs and expectations of society while maintaining their core values and academic mission?

Navigating Financial Independence:

Financial sustainability is essential for the long-term viability of academic institutions, yet achieving financial independence can be a delicate balance. How can universities strike a balance between financial autonomy and academic integrity? How can they mitigate the risks associated with external funding dependencies whether from tuition fees, state funding or other third party funding?

Join the Conversation:

Join us for a collaborative discussion featuring a diverse panel of experts from the US, the UK and Germany. As we explore the similarities and differences in how these nations build resilient academic institutions. Don’t miss this opportunity to gain insight into the challenges, opportunities, and best practices shared from both institutional and national perspectives.

This event is ideal for university leaders, faculty, researchers, policymakers, and anyone interested in the future of higher education.