Postgraduate Education
Further Reading
- Canadian practices related to the examination of PhD theses
Fred L. Hall, University of Calgary, Canada
- Challenges to Innovation in Graduate Education
Synopsis of the International Conference of the Canadian Association for Graduate Studies;
November 2-5, 2005; Toronto, Canada
- A Profile of Master’s Degree Education in Canada
CAGS, December 2006
- Doctoral Education in Canada 1900 – 2005
CAGS, September 2005
- Gradate Studies: A Practical Guide
A guide for students, faculty and others involved in graduate studies
- FAZ Article on studying in Montreal, Canada
- Towards a Gobal PhD – Forces & Forms in Doctoral Education worldwide
Nerad, Maresi & Heggelund, Mimi. Eds. Chapter 12 ‘Canada’ by Garth Williams
pp 249-277 University of Washington Press Seattle 2008
- The Doctorate Worldwide
Powell, Stuart & Green, Howard. Eds Chapter 10 –
Doctoral education in Canada: a valued national product facing the challenges of
institutional differentiation’ by Louis Maheu.
Pp 120-132 McGraw Hill England 2007
- Doctoral Education and the Workings of Canadian Graduate Schools:
a differentiated tier within Canadian universities facing the challenges of tension-driven function
by Louis Maheu.
Higher Education in Europe , Vol 33, No. 1, April 2008.
- Global Perspectives on Graduate Education – Proceedings of the Strategic Leaders
Global Summit on Graduate Education
Council of Graduate Schools , Washington 2008
- HRK- Beiträge zur Hochschulpolitik 7/2007
“Quo vadis Promotion? Doktorandenausbildung in Deutschland im Spiegel internationaler Erfahrungen
- Tagesspiegel
“Die verschulte Promotion – Graduiertenkollegs für alle: Doktorarbeiten im stillen Kämmerlein sollen bald nicht mehr möglich sein” (06.06.2008)
- duz
“Doktoranden kritisieren den Trend zum Kolleg á la Bologna”: (6.10.2006)
- TU9
“Keine Verschulung der Promotion in den Ingenieurwissenschaften!” (15.05.2007)
- Bauhaus Universität Weimar
Workshop “Trans- und interdisziplinäre Graduiertenschulen in Deutschland”
- European University Association (EUA)
“Doctoral Programmes in Europe’s Universities: Achievements and Challenges”
Report prepared for European Universities and Ministers of Higher Education
- Bundesbericht zur Förderung des wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchses
- Für den Doktortitel in die Schule
Aus Handelsblatt, vom 01.08.2008
- eSharp
The University of Glasgow ‘s award winning postgraduate journal
- The Robert’s Report: Set for Success
- The Joint Statement of Skills Training Requirements
Produced in 2001 by the UK Research Councils in collaboration with UK GRAD and the HE sector to identify the competencies that a postgraduate student should have at the end of their PhD.
Umbrella Graduate Training Programme with UK wide remit, with new researcher development organization, VITAE, launched in Summer 08
- Phipps, Alison ‘Making Academics: Work in Progress’ in Barnett, R. (ed.)
Reshaping the University: New Relationships between Research, Scholarship and Teaching. 136-150, Buckingham: Open University Press/McGraw Hill.2005.
- Kenneth E. Redd. Ph.D. Completion Project: Analysis of Baseline Program Data .
Council of Graduate Schools Communicator: Volume 40, Number 10, December 2007.
(Contains data summaries about time to degree and various issues related to completion)
- Lisbeth Borbye. PSM Program Assessment from all Perspectives
Council of Graduate Schools Communicator: Volume 41, Number 1, January/February 2008, p. 4.
(Analysis of professional science masters and program evaluation)
- Helen Frasier: Campus; Internationalization and the Expanding Role of the Graduate Dean .
Council of Graduate Schools Communicator: Volume 40, Number 9, November 2007.
(Internationalization of graduate education overview and professional master’s degrees)
- Diana Carlin. Responsible Conduct of Research: Lessons learned and Future Plans .
Council of Graduate Schools Communicator: Volume 41, Number 2, March 2008.
- Lewis M. Siegel. A Fresh Look at Ph.D. Education .
Council of Graduate Schools Communicator: Volume 41, Number 4, May 2008.
- Council of Graduate Schools Website for Preparing Future Faculty
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