Barbara Evans
Professor Barbara Evans commenced her present appointment as Dean of the Faculty of Graduate Studies at the University of British Columbia in early November 2007. Prior to this Professor Evans was Pro Vice-Chancellor (Research Training) at The University of Melbourne, with particular responsibilities for the oversight of policy, management and quality assurance for research higher degree programs, postgraduate generic skills training and research supervision.
Since 1997, she had also been Dean of the School of Graduate Studies (SGS). Professor Evans has been an invited speaker at many international conferences in the US, Canada, Europe and Asia focused on graduate and research higher degree education, and has been invited to review Graduate Programs at several Australian and international universities due to the School’s excellent reputation.
Barbara Evans was elected Convener of the Australian Deans and Directors of Graduate Studies for 2005 – 06, and in early 2006, was nominated by her peers as Convener of the Universitas 21 Deans and Directors of Graduate Studies. In March 2007, she hosted the second of three international workshops “Forces and Forms of Change in Doctoral Education”.
Originally a zoologist, Professor Evans research was concerned with the development of a broad understanding of the biology of a wide range of animal species. During this period she undertook several overseas research appointments in the UK and Canada and her research resulted in the publication of over 100 book chapters, research papers and conference proceedings. Furthermore, she is an author and editor of three award-winning Biology textbooks for senior secondary and tertiary students.